DIY Kits Coming Soon!

DIY Kits Coming Soon!

Last week Mike and I spent the week working on our first needle felting kit so I would have it ready to go to teach an awesome class of Home Ec teachers. 

Putting the kit together was a lot of fun.We turned our kitchen table into a photography studio and I played camera woman and director ( which entailed me just pressing a button and yelling commands at Mike)

Mike then laid out all the photos and we started adding in the text and it came along into a nice instructional booklet. Yay for Mike having photography and publishing skills!

We then weighed out all the little bits of wool and added them to cute little boxes with needles and off I went to class.

The  class was awesome, everyone had a great time creating their sheep and learning techniques they could carry on to their own students. And I had a blast teaching them!

Here is a picture of all the little sheep.

We have a little bit of tweaking to do to the pattern and packaging and then we will have these ready to go in a week or two. If you are eager to get your hands on one we have uploaded a few pre orders. If you order now they are 15% off.

We will also be adding some fibre kits for those that already needle felt or for those who would like to create their own masterpiece in the next couple days.

If you do not have a felting pad you will need one of those too which we will have available later this week too.

Happy Felting!

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